Winter solistice - The Great Conjunction

 [21/12, 16:34] Mini: On December 21, the day of the conjunction, Jupiter and Saturn will be separated by a mere 0.1 degrees, and may appear as a single bright “star.” The two planets are completely merged together on our Night Sky Map for this date, although a careful observer should be able to separate them in the sky with the naked eye.

The pair of planets will become visible at twilight, close to the southwestern horizon in the Northern Hemisphere, or the western horizon in the Southern Hemisphere. They will set within a couple of hours or so, so it is important to have a clear view toward the horizon.

Jupiter and Saturn will continue to be an impressive sight in the early evenings following December 21. During January 2021, however, the two planets will become lost in the glare of the Sun.

December 21 marks the winter solstice in the Northern Hemisphere, but in 2020 the longest night of the year is also going to be a witness to an incredible astronomic event known as the “great conjunction”. ... This rare double planet sighting–or “Great Conjunction”–can be viewed from anywhere around the globe.


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